Bridge Building
As part of an initiative that started at the White House in 2022, Habitat of Greater Nashville was selected to work with Interfaith America, Catholic Charities, nine other Habitat affiliates, and the YMCA to create bridge building opportunities to foster healthier, more inclusive communities across the country.

Habitat’s Director of Faith Relations and Mission Integration Kevin Roberts is leading the project in Nashville that launched this fall. Habitat would like to thank the following local clergy for their willingness to build a safe space for deeper conversation and connection:
- Rev. Amanda Diamond - Donelson Heights UMC
- Rev. Thomas Hunter - Davidson County Sherrif's Office / Nehemiah Baptist Church
- Rev. Tom Gholson - Brooke Hollow Baptist Church
- Rev. Brian Marcoulier - Calvary UMC
- Rev. Adam Buzard - Operation Andrew
- Rev. Dr. Todd Lake - Belmont University
- Rev. Dr. Paula Smith - Gordon Memorial UMC
- Rev. Dr. Chris Donald - Vanderbilt University
- Dr. Pedro Basden - Payne Chapel AME
- Rev. Dwayne Lewis - New Hope Baptist Church
- Rev. Dori Gorman - YMCA